My father-in-law is a pulmonologist, he's been practicing for over 40 years and he's been listed in multiple publications as one of the top pulmonologists in the nation and has received extensive recognition from his peers.
I asked him about this and he agrees with Brian.
I notice that you have yet to address my question from the other night about assisted suicide in Washington state (saying that you didn't vote in that election is a cop-out, not an answer). Do you support assisted suicide in your state? YES or NO.
However,this is not assisted suicide, the baby is already dead.
You can blow air into a corpse via a ventilator for a long time.
The person looks alive as the ventilator is blowing air into him, but the patient is dead.
He has occasional spontaneous eyelid opening and movements of his lower extremities. His pupils do
not react to light and he has neither visual fixation nor following. His brainstem reflexes are
either abnormal or absent. He exhibits limb withdrawal to pain, but no purposeful response to
pain. He demonstrates facial grimacing with secretions and stimulation (i.e. suctioning,
repositioning, changing diaper). In summary, his neurological examination remains grossly
abnormal and the clinical findings reflect a severe and widespread neurological injury. JM has
failed removal of the breathing tube previously requiring replacement (November 8-11, 2010).
He remains on a ventilator with a background rate. Many attempts have been made to allow
him to breathe spontaneously on the ventilator; however, within short periods of time, the
ventilator reverts to a backup rate due to prolonged periods without breaths.
Why dont you show your pulmonologist father in law this report?