You’re not entirely wrong. When you come up with a perfect foreign policy let us know.
Put yourself in Reagan’s position. You’d think that saving Afghanistan from the Soviets would be rewarded, like most intelligent humans. We weren’t. So stopping the USSR from taking over state after state is wrong?
At what level of communistic control should we form a committee? You are dense, the Paul’s are dense. You can use the Ostrich defense. I won’t.
"You can use the Ostrich defense. I wont."
IMO you just did...
You assume way too much... If you saved a "gang" in your neighborhood from being waxed by another "gang" in your neighborhood. After the bloodshed was over do you seriously think that the "gang" you just saved would just welcome you and your "goody goody" morals continuing hanging around "their" hood??? How naive can you be?