Young Americans for Foreign Entanglements
Isolationism, Neville Chamberlainism and paleowhateverism are certainly no longer necessary or feasible except in the fevered imaginations of CAIR, CPUSA, Code Pink, the Muslim Brotherhood, International ANSWER and the Paulistinian platoon. The USA is a grown up country with grown up responsibilities.
Thanks to groups like YAF, the draft was abolished. We now have a professional military and people have to volunteer to serve.
I think that JimRob stated FR's policy on paleoPaulie and his sycophants on 9/30/07 and that he has not changed that policy since.
If paleopeacecreepism is your passion, join the Libertarian Party or Code Pink and others will carry the nation's burdens for you and Ramsay Clark and Sean Penn and Jane Fonda and paleoPaulie.