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Palin defends GOProud participation at CPAC (misleading headline)
Hot Air ^ | 2/7/11 | Morrisey

Posted on 02/07/2011 7:21:00 AM PST by pissant

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Which again, illustrates her not understanding Conservative principles

If you didn't read her book, you have no place commenting on "her not understanding Conservative principles." You don't know jack.

141 posted on 02/07/2011 8:59:40 AM PST by backwoods-engineer (Any politician who holds that the state accords rights is an oathbreaker and an "enemy... domestic.")
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To: DJ MacWoW

I believe you. They’re in the majority there.

142 posted on 02/07/2011 9:00:40 AM PST by trisham (Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
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To: WVKayaker
Funny thing is, if these falsehoods were true, wouldn't they actually help Palin with the moderates. Hopefully the Today show picks up on some of this.
143 posted on 02/07/2011 9:01:28 AM PST by moehoward
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To: DJ MacWoW
Those aren’t excuses they are reality. Those that have left the lifestyle and gotten help have been very open about what twisted them. There are also statistics on molestation. Mental illness and it’s damage is real.

I don't buy into the conventional wisdom and I believe the study is not perfect.

I also don't buy into this notion that at some point in life one is without choices even if they were beaten or molested as a child.  Sure, it scars them for life, but they do have a choice of going down the path of righteousness or not.

144 posted on 02/07/2011 9:01:28 AM PST by BigSkyFreeper (In 2012: The Rookie and The Wookie get booted from the White House.)
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...advantage comes from someone getting early name recognition among the ignorant masses. Most seem to vote for names or faces they recognize and have no clue what they stand for. (unfortunately)

Spoken like a true elitist... PSYCHO, sounds like there's some 'liberal' in you...

145 posted on 02/07/2011 9:01:37 AM PST by GOPJ ( - World Disaster Map)
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To: pissant; calcowgirl; stephenjohnbanker; DoughtyOne; indylindy
PALIN FROM THE CLIP: “ But when it comes to and David, perhaps what it is that you’re suggesting in the question is should the GOP, should conservatives not reach out to others, not participate in events or forums that perhaps are rising within those forums are issues that maybe we don’t personally agree with? And I say no, it’s like you being on a panel shoot, with a bunch of the liberal folks whom you have been on and you provide good information and balance, and you allow for healthy debate, which is needed in order for people to gather information and make up their own minds about issues.
I look at participation in an event like CPAC or any other event, along, or kind of in that same vein as the more information that people have, the better.

I think she said above : “ No, we ‘shouldn't-not’ reach out to these homosexual ‘conservative’ groups ”. Catch the double negative she used to make it harder to follow. She wouldn't say-instead say “ We ‘should’ reach out to ... ” which would be easier to follow. This finally explains the silence on the newly passed Obama-RINO DADT.

The problem with these homosexual ‘conservatives’ is they are just liberals who want tax cuts. If someone is a 'Republican-first-er' it makes perfect sense to do this to get their votes, but I am not one.

If Sarah had stuck to Hannity's show she wouldnt get these questions.

146 posted on 02/07/2011 9:02:34 AM PST by sickoflibs ("It's not the taxes, the redistribution is the federal spending=tax delayed")
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To: BigSkyFreeper
Bingo! You win a free Slap-Chop food processing device that never misses over-the-back shots at the kitchen sink from 20 feet away!
147 posted on 02/07/2011 9:04:02 AM PST by PSYCHO-FREEP (Patriotic by Proxy! (Cause I'm a nutcase and it's someone Else's' fault!....))
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To: pissant

Sadly, some conservatives still patronize RINOPAC. The event still has some political power.

148 posted on 02/07/2011 9:04:05 AM PST by sauropod (The truth shall make you free but first it will make you miserable.)
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To: sickoflibs
If Sarah had stuck to Hannity's show she wouldnt get these questions.


149 posted on 02/07/2011 9:04:26 AM PST by pissant ((Bachmann 2012 - Freepmail to get on/off PING list))
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To: manc
sorry hotair not buying your crap, no facts to base any of that story up what so ever, another hit piece to hurt Sarah

Agree, X2.

150 posted on 02/07/2011 9:04:37 AM PST by vox_freedom (America is being tested as never before in its history. May God help us.)
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To: BigSkyFreeper

Homosexuals recruit. Who they look for are the lonely kids that have been abused. They are easy to “turn”. A kid will follow someone who is kind to them. Most of them have never heard of “righteousness”. These kids aren’t usually sunday school attendees.

151 posted on 02/07/2011 9:05:50 AM PST by DJ MacWoW (America! The wolves are at your door! How will you answer the knock?)
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I would say you had better take a closer look at your Icon first; There is a heck of a lot more Liberal in her than there is in me.......

152 posted on 02/07/2011 9:06:34 AM PST by PSYCHO-FREEP (Patriotic by Proxy! (Cause I'm a nutcase and it's someone Else's' fault!....))
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In a matter of fact, PSYCHO is correct. Most of the “ignorant masses” generally reside in that media created moderate/centrist/squish/middle part of the political spectrum. They migrate to the overriding popular public opinion. They’re not free thinkers. They’re self-professed mavericks like John McCain.

153 posted on 02/07/2011 9:08:29 AM PST by BigSkyFreeper (In 2012: The Rookie and The Wookie get booted from the White House.)
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To: vox_freedom

their first line really gets me , it’s not based on anything but their agenda and view plus to try and bring down Sarah Palin.

Sadly we will see more of this type of stuff from the left and those in the establishment GOP especially neaer to the election.

hey really do fear for her as they know she will not go with the ivy league establishment she is for the average hard working, tax paying proud , pro military American and they hate that.

154 posted on 02/07/2011 9:09:13 AM PST by manc (Shame on all who voted for the repeal of DADT, who supported it or never tried to stop it. Traitors)
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To: vox_freedom

their first line really gets me , it’s not based on anything but their agenda and view plus to try and bring down Sarah Palin.

Sadly we will see more of this type of stuff from the left and those in the establishment GOP especially nearer to the election.

hey really do fear for her as they know she will not go with the ivy league establishment she is for the average hard working, tax paying proud , pro military American and they hate that.

155 posted on 02/07/2011 9:09:28 AM PST by manc (Shame on all who voted for the repeal of DADT, who supported it or never tried to stop it. Traitors)
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We need to pick a candidate that can win! I have said this before and it is NOT some retread from 2008, Palin or some other loser that the MSM can rip to shreds. And do it very soon........

But not just some "candidate that can win," though that's obviously a very important consideration.

The next president is going to face some very unpleasant situations, economically, in foreign policy, and quite probably militarily.

We need a candidate whose ability to grapple with and lead in those areas is not open to serious question; and you're right, none of the 2008 retreads are that sort of candidate.

So we have to look elsewhere; and we have to start making adult choices based on a realization that there's no such thing as a perfect candidate.

I personally believe that the economic situation is by far the most serious problem we face -- on its own merits, and because our economic problems are also a big player in our foreign policy and military positions.

For the other two, we need a clear and decisive mind at the helm -- somebody who can be trusted to think through and understand the consequences.

Somebody like Mitch Daniels would be good for the economic part, though I don't know about his foreign policy or military smarts. His unassuming demeanor could be a help or a hindrance, though I think it would be quite a refreshing change from the current circus of presidential politics.

Haley Barbour has a very good record: he has done well as governor of Mississippi; and his political acumen would be a huge asset in dealing with Congress.

I don't know who else there is ... Rick Perry, perhaps, though I think his Texas roots would be a liability, coming so soon after W. He's done pretty well, though.

156 posted on 02/07/2011 9:09:53 AM PST by r9etb
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To: backwoods-engineer; All
Wow, it must be bliss to be as delightfully ignorant as you are!

What is even funnier is to see Palin haters like you defend the statist Mitt Romney and his fellow gaggle of gun-banning RINOs.

Actually, old boy, I'm a DeMint fan. You know, the guy who is actually way MORE conservative than Sarah Palin (e.g. DeMint doesn't support DADT, LOST, etc.)?

I won't vote for a damned one of them. I'll vote for Sarah, even if she is for the DADT repeal (SO AM I). I'll vote for Sarah, even if she approves of gay conservatives having a place at CPAC (you mean you oppose them taking part in the political system?).

Actually, yes, I DO oppose "conservatives" helping to legitimise the imposition of the radical gay agenda onto the American people. Essentially, what you're telling us here and now is that you're a fruity-toot leftie who is voting for Sarah Palin because of a fruity-toot leftie position that she's taking.

Not exactly a good reason for conservatives to support her, or for them to listen to you, old chap.

No weaseling needed, Palin hater.

What's ironic is that I actually published a pro-Palin article in my biweekly newsletter last week, so I can't be too much of a "Palin hater."

157 posted on 02/07/2011 9:11:15 AM PST by Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus (When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will believe in abject nonsense.)
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To: backwoods-engineer; All
Wow, it must be bliss to be as delightfully ignorant as you are!

What is even funnier is to see Palin haters like you defend the statist Mitt Romney and his fellow gaggle of gun-banning RINOs.

Actually, old boy, I'm a DeMint fan. You know, the guy who is actually way MORE conservative than Sarah Palin (e.g. DeMint doesn't support LOST, gays in the military, etc.)?

I won't vote for a damned one of them. I'll vote for Sarah, even if she is for the DADT repeal (SO AM I). I'll vote for Sarah, even if she approves of gay conservatives having a place at CPAC (you mean you oppose them taking part in the political system?).

Actually, yes, I DO oppose "conservatives" helping to legitimise the imposition of the radical gay agenda onto the American people. Essentially, what you're telling us here and now is that you're a fruity-toot leftie who is voting for Sarah Palin because of a fruity-toot leftie position that she's taking.

Not exactly a good reason for conservatives to support her, or for them to listen to you, old chap.

No weaseling needed, Palin hater.

What's ironic is that I actually published a pro-Palin article in my biweekly newsletter last week, so I can't be too much of a "Palin hater."

158 posted on 02/07/2011 9:11:51 AM PST by Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus (When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will believe in abject nonsense.)
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To: manc
their first line really gets me , it’s not based on anything but their agenda and view plus to try and bring down Sarah Palin.

Sadly we will see more of this type of stuff from the left and those in the establishment GOP especially nearer to the election.

Yes, and yes. They are employing Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" full-bore. This one is Rule #4: "Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules" written or unwritten. They want to associate Palin with homosexuals, so conservatives will cast her out. I for one see through it.

159 posted on 02/07/2011 9:12:12 AM PST by backwoods-engineer (Any politician who holds that the state accords rights is an oathbreaker and an "enemy... domestic.")
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To: backwoods-engineer
So, writing a book is how you gage your candidate? How about her actual accomplishments as an electable politician? Newt Gingrich wrote several books, so did Romney and Huckabee, Oh, and McCain wrote one, and so on. There are lots and lots of words in all of those books I just mentioned, but the actual deeds those politicians have rendered don't correlate. Especially in Palin’s case.

Does she quit when things get rough? (The answer to that is yes.) That's all I need to know.......

160 posted on 02/07/2011 9:12:48 AM PST by PSYCHO-FREEP (Patriotic by Proxy! (Cause I'm a nutcase and it's someone Else's' fault!....))
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