Moe Maraachli with a photo of his son Joseph.

STATEN ISLAND, NY, March 4, 2011 ( – Priests for Life, the American Center for Law and Justice, the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network and other pro-life and pro-family organizations have been negotiating with hospitals across the United States for more than a week to have them agree to admit baby Joseph Maraachli. Baby Joseph is the one-year-old in a London Ontario hospital whose doctors are seeking to remove his ventilator against his parents’ wishes.

To join a Facebook page in support of the parents of Joseph Maraachli, click here.

Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, has said that “for the most part, [the hospitals] have shown compassion but unfortunately, so far, not one has agreed to take Baby Joseph. The family is asking only to have a simple procedure performed to allow their son to breathe on his own.”

A hospital committee in Canada has declared that efforts on behalf of Baby Joseph are futile and a court decision has supported the hospital’s decision. The parents are asking for a second opinion from an American institution.

“Priests for Life has hired a jet that is standing by now to fly Baby Joseph and his parents anywhere in the U.S. at a moment’s notice,” said Fr. Pavone in a press release today. “We need one hospital with a sophisticated neo-natal unit and the courage to actually agree to take this child. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to explain to the public why it is that not one has committed to do this yet.

“I am urgently calling on any U.S. hospitals or administrators who are willing to help to contact my team at the following email address:,” he said.

“Life is in the balance. It’s time for the American spirit to rise to this occasion and say Let’s roll!”

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a constitutional law firm, announced yesterday it has been retained by the parents of Baby Joseph to explore options to get their son medical treatment in the United States.

“This has been a tragic case where the parents desire only to receive proper family-centered care and medical attention that will allow ‘Baby Joseph’ to live out his final days at home naturally with his family,” said Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ. “We are exploring all options with the parents and are representing their interests in the United States only.  We’re working with the parents to determine the likelihood of bringing their son to the United States to receive the medical treatment he needs and deserves.”

Prayer and public witness events in support of Baby Joseph will be on Saturday, March 5, from 12:00-2:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 6, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in front of the London Health Sciences Centre’s Children’s Hospital.  They will be held on the corner of Wellington and Commissioners Rd.

Over 13,000 people have rallied behind the parents through the Facebook page “Save baby Joseph.”