The author has, I am informed, allowed his name to be used. It is Sam Tadros and AT will surely change the author from anonymous to his name.
And it could happen here as well. If the entitlement population thinks their free ride will come to an end they will be in the streets as if they are the victims. The true victims are us working stiffs who are forced to support them.
I think author is overlooking the bigger picture, Iran, Brotherhood, Caliphate plans.
He sees the leaves moving, but doesn’t see where is the wind blowing from.
I read it in it’s entirety and I hope the author is right. The media and hype has me thinking an Iranian type Islamic revolution is inevitable.
How convenient is that?
The army is viewed as clean (not like the corrupt government), efficient (they do build bridges fast), and more importantly the heroes that defeated Israel in 1973 (it is no use to debate that point with an Egyptian).
Who wrote that history?
They do not have rubber bullets or tear gas. They only have live ammunition and tanks and the thought of actually using them in this situation was never an option.
It will only get worse.
That's quite a conclusion!