That was also the case in Iran, back in '79. The problem is, when it comes to revolutions, power generally goes to those most willing to use violence to achieve their ends.
And the Shah of Iran, as I understand it, was no Mr. Nice Guy either. Hes painted as a benovolent dictator but Ive read he was questionable.
He was brutal and corrupt, and most Iranians hated him. He needed to go. But the effects of long-term US support (and that of other countries, too), followed by Carter's simply abandoning him, were disastrous.
I have no illusions as to Obama's ability to understand or properly deal with this situation. It's bad, and maybe impossible, to deal with it...
The best outcome I can see at this point, would be to help a somewhat responsible "caretaker" government take and keep power for a while, and to have that government institute reforms.
It's clear that Mubarak's government is going to fall. I'm thinking ElBaradei is the guy we have to back here, even if he's not the most wonderful fellow.
If Obama's team has any brains at all, they're pushing hard on Mubarak to get in touch with ElBaradei and to work out some means of transitioning power as soon as possible.
But I doubt it will happen.
Someone earlier said ElBaradei is simply a stooge who will be killed at the appropriate time.
I read Elbareidi is under “house arrest”.
Whatever that means.