To: kristinn
42 posted on
01/25/2011 3:50:27 PM PST by
(Jobs? Nope! Economy? Nope! Disarm the U.S? Yep! Impeach the treasonous Marxist Muslim usurper bast)
To: Lucky9teen
50 posted on
01/25/2011 3:57:31 PM PST by
To: Lucky9teen
Upside down, he looks just like your typical Jihadist, beard and all.
57 posted on
01/25/2011 3:59:43 PM PST by
To: Lucky9teen
Damn, that explains everything in one picture....well done!
159 posted on
01/25/2011 4:54:47 PM PST by
Las Vegas Ron
(The Tree of Liberty did not grow from an ACORN!)
To: Lucky9teen
Great photoshop, he looks like a pointy-headed muslim.
Oh wait....
171 posted on
01/25/2011 5:10:56 PM PST by
(Overweight guy to Moochelle Obama: "Where's Ben's Chili Bowl?")
To: Lucky9teen
Just like an ostrich, head upside down into the sand.
206 posted on
01/25/2011 6:12:16 PM PST by
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