Sheesh. Forget
Long forgotten. Likely caused the crash!
Probably did. :)
As you probably know, the democrats are looking at Cleveland for their convention. They are working hard to get their foothold back on the neck of Ohio. Well, Ohio T.P. groups are coming together to hold a huge convention in Columbus this year on July 4th (maybe 3rd too, I wasn't clear about that). This will be somewhat like CPAC, and since the T.P. is reserving the Convention Center this year, they will automatically have first shot for the convention in 2012 also. He dropped a hint of one of the speakers who has committed for this year, but we can't announce it yet. They have two big names already, but more will be coming. I hope they will have Sarah. Something he said to me leads me to believe they will. This is already a done deal, but they can't put it on the web yet because somebody got their hands on their URLs and they have to reapply for new ones.
See, if we are pulling folks from all over at the same time as the democrat convention, we will own Ohio. That man got us really fired up. His name is Glenn and reminded me of Glenn Beck. If anybody wants to set up tables like at CPAC we will be getting the info out ASAP.