I suggest you use some data to make your case.
1. CA’s “structural deficit” over the foreseeable future is $20 B. a year. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704723104576061842891382606.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
2. In 2005, CA residents paid $1300 more in Federal taxes than they got back in Federal spending (78 cents per dollar paid). http://www.taxfoundation.org/taxdata/show/22685.html
Presumably that figure is even higher in 2010.
3. CA’s population is 37 million. http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=uspopulation&met=population&idim=state:06000&dl=en&hl=en&q=california+population
4. Thus, the $1300 “fiscal gap” that makes CA a “donor state” alone creates a $48 billion annual fiscal windfall to the feds that would more than cover CA’s current spending gap.
5. CA already has the 6th highest state-local tax burden in the country. http://www.taxfoundation.org/taxdata/show/336.html Thus, taxing its way out of its current fiscal mess is not prudent. Indeed, excessive taxes may have already contributed to a decline in the state’s tax revenues. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704723104576061842891382606.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
It’s obvious from #1 that CA hasn’t behaved in the most fiscally responsible manner. That said, its fiscal plight is considerably worsened by the federal tax dollars siphoned out of the state to pay for spending elsewhere.
Believe me, I am one who has long been critical of Sacramento's budget policies. We need to take on all of the important interests that have become a drag on government. We need to take on the teachers' unions. But, listen up, conservatives - we also need to take on the corrections industry and their union. We simply cannot afford to continue to set world records for per capital incarceration rates. We need to take on all these interests and it isn't going to be pretty. It irritates me when some of my fellow Californians pretend that we need only take on some of these interest groups.
But, nothing, nothing irritates me like some outsider from some Parasitic State with a basket-case economy who claims that California somehow isn't keeping up. I've always liked Haley Barbour, but if there is a theory that says that Mississippi's philosophy of government should produce a more productive citizenry than California's philosophy of government, then there is something wrong with the theory. Rather than criticizing Californians, folks in Parasitic States should be asking themselves what they might do to become more productive like Californians or New Yorkers. That's the reality.
As for marktwain's Arizona, the state's legislature will be opening for business tomorrow. If anyone wants to learn more about horrendous state budget problems, tune into Arizona. But, I will leave those problems for Arizonans to solve.
I have no doubt about California's ability to solve our budget problems. We have no choice. And, we have a ton of resources.
Thanks again.