He was very fortunate in many ways. I knew one of the first kidney transplant patients in our state. He had to remain on it till he died. I know a person who has a severe heart condition. Can't be by-passed no more and the arteries are clogging around the heart ruling out transplant. This is from hereditary issues. The person has been told it's a matter of time. It took that person two years and a lawyer to get SSDI. To look at him and talk to him you'd think healthy as a horse. He's by no means healthy or able to do even minimal work. He can care for himself that's about it.
This is what some are not getting though. Just because a person can walk and talk and you can't see with your eyes a disability doesn't mean they don't have one..
I know, I’m one of them. Fibromyalgia, Osteo A in both hands, 5 disc, Osteo Porosis in right hand, Hypo-Thyroid, Peripheral Neuropathy in legs and feet, now I’m getting frequent bouts of tendinitis related to the Fibromyalgia as is the Peripheral Neuropathy. I look healthy, the pain is there 24/7/365, the fatigue and short term memory fog is too.
And there is no arthritis drug made that I can take if I want to have a working gastro-intestinal tract. Fibro meds blur what little vision I have left, as well as cause more brain fog, or cause my hands and feet to swell causing MORE pain. No win situation.
Takes me over half the day to do what use to take 2 hours.