wish i had the desire/energy to research and lay things out like that...
>dang i love some of yer deep ‘egghead’ replies...8^}
LOL - Thank you.
>wish i had the desire/energy to research and lay things out like that...
This one wasn’t much; I just typed in “number of abortions in the US between 1973 and 1992” to google and pulled up three pages; the first was NRL.org’s which had all the data I needed so I copied `73 to `92 into my spreadsheet and summed them up [and then another search for the more exact gender probability] and multiplied the result accordingly.
I look forward in seeing how he’ll reply to it; it should be hard to defend those sorts of numbers, especially as we dissallowed the “I was only following orders” to be used by Nazi underlings — how much more should we hold the USSC to account for the millions that its orders have killed?