And you’re a statist jack-booted thug. Especially if you think that it’s just fine that thousands of un-Constitutional raids are conducted every year. I hope they send you through the door first every time.
BTW: The Constitution gives the Supreme Court the job of interpreting what the Constitution means. The Supreme Court has unanimously interpreted the word "unreasonable" in the 4th Amendment to sometimes allow the use of a no-knock warrant.
I agree that no-knocks should be limited to the circumstances outlined by Justice Thomas. However, you seem to think that you know more about the law and the Constitution than Justice Thomas (and the rest of the Supreme Court), and that the Framers were wrong to place the Constitutional role of interpreting the law (along with the judicial power) in the Supreme Court.
If that is indeed your contention, then it is you who is arguing against the Constitutional system.
If you really think that you know more than Justice Thomas, please make your case. Cite authority to back your position.