You can study global warming as long as you want but you will not....
1. Get one dime of government money for research
2. You will not implement any taxes or fees to mitigate this fantasy
3. You will not pass one policy, implement one regulation that will affect anyone
4. You will publish all your data unadulterated and without any filters.
With those 4 conditions, you can continue to publish, whine and squeal about this farce to your hearts content. NOT ONE DIME SOCIALIST PIGS, WE ARE ONTO YOU GODLESS SCUMBAGS.
If you are on Facebook Join ZomPoc now before the Zombie Apocalypse Starts!
Blizzards and cold Temperatures are one of the signs of the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse! (Al Gore is one of the signs as well!)
Al wouldn’t have to be hiding his crotch in that weather. His junk would have already turtled so far under that fat belly it would be at least spring before it ever even thought about reappearing.