Onyx these “Hits” on Palin are going to get more severe and plentiful. The agenda behind them doesn’t care one iotta if it makes us angry...or for that matter her angry. It is all about influencing the dumbdowned public to “believe” what they saw by repeating it over and over and over again...doing so because it does work on the dumbdowned public. That’s how Obama won, only they worked it in reverse, they built up a dastardly man who though it was revealed clearly who he was the public wanted a feel good candidate. Working against Palin in just the opposite way may very well work for the uninformed and who follow the crowd.
Yes we can certainly fight this and we do....I do at work and in every way I know how...but there is a “blindness” and deceptful wave in this country....are the people awake enough? Do they want to be wakened?
I say this because with all the facts out there people continue to “believe” what they are led to believe.
We have to say no unequivocally to anyone or any thing from DC.
Another vaporhead DC elitist will do nothing to reverse the course, because they think that we’re idiots, and the course is correct.
That includes Ryan, Pence, Thune, Barbour, Grinchrich or any other congress critter. They win, we lose.