I have posted previously along this vain. I have never seen an argument against it.
The documentation (or lack thereof) on the birth of Obama sealed in Hawaii, although sealed by executive order, does not have the same level of security associated with it as would secret/top-secret intelligence or military documents.
That being the case, how difficult would it be for intelligence agencies of every important country on earth to discover the truth of the matter? It would be a piece of cake.
Why would other countries’ governments want to know the actual data in the birth records of Obama? It is because those governments are more astute in the provisions of the United States Constitution than the average American, and they also know how much upheaval could be fomented among the American people by producing evidence at such a time as they see fit as it would suit their interests. I speak here of our enemies and antagonists.
On the flip side, friendly nations would be interested in knowing the truth as well, because they want to be able to project and assess what would be America’s strengths and vulnerabilities, and how these would affect their diplomatic ties with the the USA as well. In tense international crises, could friendly nations stand with an American president whose legitimacy and authority is so deeply questioned among the American electorate-—could he be trusted by allies?
Therefore an American president could be weakened and compromised; blackmailed and coerced by our nation’s enemies, and mistrusted by our allies.
And these are the reasons I believe that all documents called, “sealed” in Hawaii, as well as all documents available in Jakarta and Nairobi, and those in any other location, are absolutely, fully known in detail to the intelligence agencies and governments of Russia, China, India, Pakastan, Israel, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, and at least a dozen more.
Any one of these countries intelligence officers could have acquired all of the information they wanted about the circumstances of Obama’s birth within 7 days after landing in Honolulu, and been on a flight home. And this would have included their time out for surf boards, a volcano tour, dancing with Hawaiian native gals.
It is the American electorate which has been duped. Our friends and our enemies abroad know the truth of the matter.
There is no such executive order. That is another internet myth. The only executive order Obama issued about his records applies only to records created while he is President.
That probably explains why Obama bows to everyone under the sun.
It is not sealed by executive order. That's just part of the birther mythology.