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To: GeronL

>“Sarge yelled at me” will get Sarge in the stockade.

Ironically it was a sergeant yelling at me that [helped] convince me to get out when my enlistment was up; it wasn’t about needing to ‘straighten up’ or anything like that: it was about the Constitution. I was talking with some of my fellow soldiers, as we were waiting for a veteran’s day parade to begin [just after the 2008 election] and said something to the effect of “if Obama turns out to be ineligible then it is the Army’s duty to remove him.” {Obviously, as every member of the Army swears an oath to the Constitution.}

119 posted on 12/11/2010 1:52:52 PM PST by OneWingedShark (Q: Why am I here? A: To do Justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.)
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To: OneWingedShark
...“if Obama turns out to be ineligible then it is the Army’s duty to remove him.”

Hmmmm... I think I see a reason why Obama would want people like that to get out.

121 posted on 12/11/2010 1:57:15 PM PST by hattend (The meaning of the 2010 election was rebuke, reject, and repeal. - Sarah Palin)
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