Lower taxes, limited government, a strong military and adherence to the Constitution was the Reagan agenda. Running around dissing the most successful conservative agenda of the last 85 years serves no good purpose.
Frankly, its plain dumb.
I agree and I do not support this man’s contention. Reagan may be dead but his REVOLUTION will never die. Screw this neophyte.
Excellent! I am very happy and pleased that you’re on this thread. I thought of you straight away.
Perfectly stated. Thanks very much! I should have read the comments before I posted.
Walk that walk before talking about President Reagan’s movement being over. That’s just not true. A RINO hiatus with democrat rule, for sure, -— but going back to Reagan is going back to Constitutional government and we have to go back even more than President Reagan could accomplish.
He said no such thing that I can see from this article as far as "dissing" Reagan or the agenda. He made a comment about how it was killed by 2006 and 2008 elections and now it is time for a new era to begin. Granted, I would have preferred he said something along the lines that it is time to reignite that same agenda and success, but what he did say wasn't "dissing" anything that Reagan did.