Yeah all that evidence is out there under two feet off snow!!!!! I just read that England has had the coldest start to winter since 1659!!!
So, now we should build more plants, I suppose.
Power plants, chemical plants.... OK, whatever.
At this point, anything NASA does is a joke.
“Climate change” is nothing but a tool of the Stalinist progressives.
Plants eat CO2. So more CO2 = more plants = No Global Warming.
So does that now mean it is open season on sequoias to be used for making paper? Sheesh. Someone at NASA left a real incadecent light bulb lying around and some enterprising individual actually used it!
Living in the southest, it is really funny to explain to know-nothing enviros that paper is made from mostly southern pines that grow like weeds down here and they are actually a renewable crop. Then drive them out to a crop forest to watch their heads explode.
So a bunch of leftists get together with scientists, and fabricate studies to make it seem like the engine of the free enterprise system (the use of energy) is going to make us all die?
And we’re supposed to fall for it?
This is what they’ve been doing with the original global warming plan (before the climate stopped cooperating with their scheme).
These geniuses also have not figured out how to calculate the effects of cloud cover in their models. Who is gullible enough to believe these wild forecasts of climate in future centuries when they obviously never saw these frigid winters in their forecasts of three or four years ago?
Wow, they really avoid the cloud word. Solar heat reflecting clouds are like krytonite to the global warmers. They never bring them up, just say we don't understand much about them.
So let me see if I have this straight. Carbon emissions will either cause the planet to warm or to cool and will cause the climate to change, sometimes on a daily basis. Well that pretty well covers it, doesn’t it then?
Why don’t they just say what they mean: carbon emissions will cause money to flow from rich countries to poor countries. There, fixed it.
Show me your computer modeling and I'll show you mine that says it isn't... just like statistics, find one you like. They can't tell me what the weather will be tomorrow let a lone years from now.
Yes! In Newspeak, cold is warm! For Victory!
NASA needs to get out of the business of liberal politics and get back to the core business of rockets and space travel.
Our next goal needs to be to acquire the ability to nuke any spot on the planet from orbit and within minutes.
And in the first 5 words of the missive, further evidence there is no further evidence. A model is not evidence. A model is a presumption built upon available evidence - another theory.