Screw the leeches and their "rage."
They inhaled smoke and dust, now they claim nebulous (or possibly non-existent) adverse health symptoms and want the rest of us to shell out the big bucks so they can ride the leisure train.
Even if they did have health problems, they signed up for a dangerous job. Duh.
It's time to put an end to the notion that getting hurt or sick at a job YOU choose to do is akin to winning the lottery.
The health effects aren't nebulous. The effects of this kind of exposure have been studied; see this from the CDC, this, and there are many other studies. Go to Pub Med and search on "world trade center pulmonary" or "world trade center disease" and you'll find peer reviewed articles on this.
Please also be aware that some of those volunteering for searching the rubble, or clean up, were not "signed up for a dangerous job." They were volunteers who turned out to help. Here's the story of some one who died from the effects.
Frequent trips to the ER because you can't breathe are not "riding the leisure train."