Well yeah, you came here under the "Cuban Adjustment Act" which basically gave all Cubans who reached U.S. shore a whole lot more privileges than the "Dream Act" would give to these other Hispanics because of the "Cold war" and "other issues"....you should thank your lucky star that you were born in Cuba and not Mexico, or El Salvador....geez.....the arrogance of people is frightening.
Your stupidity is frightening. Whatever the situation that gave me the opportunity to enter “legally” into this country I thank God for. That said, I refuse to continue to provide free education, food stamps, welfare assistance, HUD assistance, etc., to all these illegals, kids or adults.
They all need to be deported and don’t you dare call me a racist, wanting America to be lilly white. But if you do call me a racist, so be it. I don’t care. That is the card that is always used by liberals to satisfy their need to “feel” for the so-called less fortunate.
I resent them, yes I do. I want everyone to follow the law. My parents did and those that pay thousands of dollars to enter this country legally deserve better.
I have no sympathy for anyone that broke into this country. Period. Please spare me the “poor kids were dragged by their parents crap”.
Oh my my...How racist of you...