To: Cringing Negativism Network
"Lots of oppo research being rolled out on this thread."
As there should be. Conservatives need to fully vet anyone who puts their hat in the ring.
Have you mentioned who you support, perhaps?
I would support either Mike Pence, or Jim DeMint. Haley Barbour and Michelle Bachmann are other candidates that would get consideration. I like Bobby Jindal, but there may be eligibility issues in regards to whether he is a natural born citizen. If it he is found to be eligible, he would join my list of people to support as well. Right now I am in a wait and see mode as we do not know yet who will run. None of the so-called front runners are of interest to me.
363 posted on
11/27/2010 5:36:31 PM PST by
To: rob777
Jindal has grown, a lot, in the last year.
I’ve been impressed with his standing firm against the administration in the gulf, and I was honestly inspired listening to him interviewed a couple weeks ago.
Good guy. Much more sure of himself now. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson