You're a sharp one. Virtual cigar with your name on it.
The 1 kt fizzle the Norks set off is a far cry from a 1 kt neutron bomb, though. A neutron bomb is a very small, very radiation-permeable thermonuclear (2-stage, radiation implosion, Teller-Ulam configuration, H-bomb) device. It produces an intense emission of very high-energy neutrons you can't get from a pure fission bomb.
It's a very sophisticated, 3rd or 4th generation device. The only way the Norks have one of those is if the Chinese gave them one, and AFAIK it isn't even clear that the Chinese have one to give.
The primary value of a neutron bomb is to kill tank crews (neutrons go through armor like a hot knife through butter) without incinerating nearby civilian infrastructure.