I have traveled and worked all over Asia, actually all over the world.
I have worked with Koreans.
You develop relationships with these people and they will tell you how they really think.
They will come here and get their MBAs, do business with us, and they love that, because that gives them prestige and wealth, but after a few drinks, the contempt comes oozing out. Many think we are a source of all their problems, including their relations with the North. They think we are stupid and uncouth. It doesn’t matter if the president is Republican or Democrat. The feelings were there before George Bush became president and remain with Barack Obama.
There was an incident a few years back when hundreds of thousands of Koreans protested us. It wasn’t a small group of American hating Commies. I think it was one those cases of American servicemen raping local women or somebody getting somebody killed.
I was in Asia during 9/11.
There was the official line, the mainstream media line, and there was the man on the street.
The man on the street thought we got what we deserved.
American conservatives better get this and get it quick: We Americans only have each other. Nobody is going to EVER bail us out. If Mexico invaded tomorrow, the world would unite behind Mexico. I truly believe this.
Liberals need to get this also, instead of worrying about what the world thinks.
The world doesn’t give a damn about us.
They only care when they need to be bailed out of a crisis of their own making and need our money and military.
As for Korea, we never declared war with them. It was a UN police action that got us involved.
The NK aren’t bombing our islands or sinking our submarines.
They are insane, but not that insane.
Thank you for that bit of reality.
How is it possible people can't see this?
As for Korea, we never declared war with them. It was a UN police action that got us involved.
We would have gotten involved anyway. Domino theory and all that. It's just that back then the other members of the UN cared about things other than bashing Americans and Jews.