Why wouldn’t they just allow you to leave the airport??
This appears to be more about intimidation and control than actually stopping terrorist attacks.
TSA lines are earily similar to pre boarding trains to the death camps of the Holocaust era.
Refusing to go through TSA is saying you have something to hide in their minds?
“Why wouldnt they just allow you to leave the airport??”
They are training the sheeple to be docile and accept all directives in prep for the time to start marching the sheeple into the ‘showers’ where they then turn on the cyanide. The perps behind this, Barry Sortelo, Janet Napalitano, etc etc are equal to or worse than the nazi SS.
Its all about control and to cower everyone into accepting these violations against the 4th amendment.The severity of the fine is proof in its self.Where else have you ever seen a fine that high?This is meant to intimidate and nothing more.My family has plans on going to Texas for Christmas and I do know how I plan to react to this sh!t.I will not subject my family to this NAZI form of security one damned bit.I guess I better start saving up for the fine and bail money.