Look at the frame at :29 in my graphic in post #1. You are seeing exactly what I saw and posted: a "cross-wipe" or "cross-fade" editing transition.
In a cross-fade, the original gets progressively less opaque, and the incoming grows progressively more opaque. Midway through the transition the frames are equally opaque, so both can be seen at once (albeit a bit indistinctly).
So, yes -- you are seeing at :28-:29 a fade from Frame 5 to frame 3 -- with both visible at once. That's a very common editing technique -- but CBS presented the video as "unedited" -- or "raw".
Good catch!
I thought that was what you were describing, but wasn’t sure. Nothing wrong with your explanation—just the way my brain processes some information. It doesn’t. At least until I can take it apart, put it together, take it apart, put it together. :-)
Just throwing it out there. I don't know the technical terms, but I know what I see and I see what you are saying.