One of our relative has been collecting unemployment for ever. His wife works so he tells us it cheaper for him to stay at home and watch the kids then to go to work. Plus he gets paid for staying at home.
Let me add to your anecdotal story that most of the folk in my surround all busy collecting unemployment with a smile, have a job on the SIDE which is not reported.
The problem is, well I dunno how many people are doing this. I’m thinking there’s a lot doing what your relative is doing. But we’ve no statistics, just an inner knowledge that this kind of thing is going on big time.
Unless the gubmint stops this thing, they’ll get used to this little weekly subsidization income. Then, when you try to take it away, they boohoo for the cameras and become part of the spin machine.
Why on earth did they ever set a limit on unemployment benefits to begin with?
While I’m at it, not a penny is ever deducted from anyone’s paycheck for unemployment benefits should they be needed. While all my life the gubbmint took 7.5% of my paycheck while my employer matched it....that’s 15% of my salary folks.
So tell me this....why are they called unemployments BENEFITS while Social Security/Medicare are called ENTITLEMENTS?
“His wife works so he tells us it cheaper for him to stay at home and watch the kids then to go to work. Plus he gets paid for staying at home.”
Of course it’s cheaper, especially if you’re getting paid for it (even a pittance).
If he has young children, it COSTS to “watch” them no matter which approach you take. If he wasn’t doing it, then they’d be paying through the nose for day care. It all pretty much evens out, no matter what you do.
we might have the same relative! my nephew has been doing this for years... his wife works... he stays home with the kids and collects unemployment... his wife went to work 2 weeks after delivering their second baby... and she had a c-section!