No, you don’t get it, launches look the same to people viewing to the N and the S. Contrails don’t, when you see a contrail head on, it looks like its climbing straight up, at an angle N or S, it looks like an ordinary contrail.
I’ve seen launches from PHX and from north of San Diego. I’ve seen more contrails than you can imagine at sunset as I set up my telescope. There are NO reports of any ionized cloud from this. NONE. I’ve flown from Hawaii to Phoenix dozens of times, usually overnight, but we always fly the same corridor to cross the mainland, and its always in the same spot that US808 was.
I don’t see a single ounce of proof that it was a missile, nothing.
I know damn near every mine dug in Southern Arizona, and that look never came near me. That was a missile off Cali.
This launch was arcing west. The retired general on Hannity even stated it was arcing at 45 degrees. And no one was south of this except the fishes. Look at a map.
I dont see a single ounce of proof that it was a missile, nothing.
Well then, take it up with the retired general on Hannity.