I would agree with you on cutting welfare, except half the military families are on welfare. Our politicians make sure illegals are taken care of, and federal employees are over paid, but they let our military families survive on WIC.
>I would agree with you on cutting welfare, except half the military families are on welfare. Our politicians make sure illegals are taken care of, and federal employees are over paid, but they let our military families survive on WIC.<
The statistics are now that 1 of 7 people are on food stamps. This will only make it worse. Tragically the elderly who have some sense of dignity (unlike illegals) will feel bad taking the food stamps.
If they verified that only Americans were getting assistance it would cut the problem drastically.
I bet that if they added the cost of giving drug tests to many of the americans it would cut out a large portion as well.
Imagine trying to get assistance in another country! Never happen. They would deport you in a heartbeat.
Our priorities as a nation are all screwed up thanks to Washington and the “progressives”.
We get what we deserve if we don’t hold Republicans feet to the fire now.