I realize this. I agree with what the retired Navy Captain just said on Fox News. They damn well know. We are not under threat now but were we? Could have been an accident as I stated.
What I meant by mutiny is more a turbin wearing bubblehead but this is not likely because then you would THINK a target would have been hit.
Foreign ship? Our ship? Accident? We will never know. The Navy won’t release that PO3rd class Joe Blow effed up.
This was absolutely no accident...
There is NO WAY this was accidental. The whole point of a Missile carrying Boomer is to launch those weapons. It takes every crew member doing his job to accomplish it. Its a crew effort. It isn’t a push-a-button operation by any means. Shoot the Captain and XO BOTH have to be present to even start the process to launch, and the whole boat knows it’s going on. Its dead serious and it is their job, their whole point.
This was not an accident.
Really. A Petty Officer? All by himself? With a launch key in each hand and 10 foot arms?
Come on.