Dana Milbank is tied in so tight with the tri-sexual gals at the WarshPost he can no longer understand real people like Megyn Kelly.
Who’s Katie Couric?
Megyn is one of the most interesting TV journalists there is on air. Fox should be very glad to have her.
Milbank is a committed socialist. The election results Tuesday left him with nothing of substance to say except that his agenda and his big hero in the White House are ALL THROUGH—so he decided to use his hack license to attack Fox. Ho hum. The Washington Post is just pouring the money away at this point, doomed to end up outta business. No one deserves it more than they do.
“You might want to explore the question of whether or not Kelly would have her job on TV if not for her beauty and valley-girl sex appeal”
I alluded to this on another thread and got a nasty reply. I grew up in the 60s with the bra burners. I think Kelly is intelligent and does a great job, but allows herself to be exploited by Fox by sexing her up. It contradicts what I knew the early women’s movement to be, i.e. not being exploited and treated equally. Granted, she’s marketable being young, toned, blond and smart, but what about 20-30 years from now? Will she still have a career and be marketable? Will her career be based on her brilliance or on her looks? One of the reasons I love Gretta is that she wears suits and doesn’t “slut up” for the job. This is my biggest gripe with Fox- the women seem to have to “slut up” and can’t have their laurels based on professionalism instead of sex appeal. What happens when they hit 50 or so and start looking like Joan Rivers? They’ll be thrown over in a heart beat for the next 20-30 something and will find they’ve been used. For as smart as they are, it was their sex appeal, not their smarts that was desired. The network just got a “two fer.” Sad.
Fox News: Fair and Balanced and Megyn