I’ll agree with you regarding impeachment thoughts. I daresay such a suggestion rises more from anger than reality.
What I WOULD like to see is a serious and studied investigation in shenanigans of this administration that are dangerous to this country.
I’m not talking a political witchhunt. I AM talking things like taking a blatant bribe from BP, giving Brazil millions of our dollars for their offshore drilling, the sort of stuff which is so obviously bribery.
So far as I am concerned, the pubs did a lousy job of being any kind of decent opposition party. If they’d been doing their job no damn doubt that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac thing would have been stopped. Recall the pubs once had a majority in the House AND senate. Instead they spent time on that silly Campaign finance Reform that nobody in America cared about, all to give their ageing nothing burger candidate a cause on which to run, to be the guy reaching across the aisle.
I think the pubs ought to give some time but in a cautious and serious manner begin investigating some of this stuff if for no other reason that no other abominable guy gets elected and thinks he or she too can get away with doing anything without regard to the country’s good or our laws.
I’m kind of new at this internet stuff but isn’t this kind of topic on a thread like this called “hi-jacking”?
Just wondering...
Yep, agree 100%. I specifically want investigations into the Sestak bribary accusations and above all the DOJ on the Black Panther case. They were out in force again today, same polling location, same tactics.
Those are just starters. And if we don’t launch investigations into these abuses of power when we CAN, who says we will ever win anywhere again, in 2012 or any other year? These types of activities must be stopped! The rule of law must prevail or our republic is meaningless.