[ Harry Reid is evil. He is not above evil things. His son is following in his footsteps.
If Whorehouse Harry wins, Ill be first in line to dispute the votes. ]
Sounds like you listen to Jerry Doyle.....
Whorehouse Harry, learned to swim in a Whorehouse swimming pool, along with all the other sewage.
I live in Harry’s “hometown.” He doesn’t care about us until time for the elections. Then he wants to convince us that he worked really hard to get where he is...he walked “20 miles ONE WAY to go to school every day,” and he lives on a “fixed income” in DC.
In DC, he lives at the Ritz-Carlton, and has made millions on shady land deals.
The latest ads have Sharron Angle living on her husband’s BLM pension, and having “her medical expenses paid for life.” So how is that different from Whorehouse Harry?
If he wins this election, I’ll be the first in line to question the votes. Nevada is tired of his BS.