I disagree. We need to have at least one party that is patriotic and for the citizens rather than the big businesses and big government before we could even consider a Constitutional Convention. You want the Olympia Snowes and Linda Murkowskis and Jerry Browns and . . . working on our Constitution?
What Constitution? It has been ignored for years. That is why we are in this mess with no way out. It is an impossible menagerie of Federal laws, rules, regulations, agencies, and programs and debt that anyone with a calculator that can work with ‘trillions’ can easily figure out. Republicans, 3rd parties nor any party can not repair it. 200 trillions of dollars and climbing is mission impossible. The A-Team could not even figure out a plan. It is time for the States to take action. Take out your calculator and try to work it starting with a two hundred trillion dollar debt. 100% taxes on everyone will not fix it.