I was doing to some telephone calls for a candidate in this liberal Mecca of Hawaii and the calls were breaking 7 to 5 for the Republicans. I have never seen this before. The Governor, a Congressman, and even a Senator could be in play. And if that is happening here, on the mainland the numbers must be far worse for the Democrats. And here, early voting was mostly Republican from what I could see.
In 2008, my wife and I made calls for about six weeks leading up to the general election. Since we were in Massachusetts, the conventional wisdom of the local Republican brain trust was to have us call only into New Hampshire.
The response for McCain/Palin was overwhelming. We both went to bed on Election eve thinking that New Hampshire was a sure thing for the Republicans.
It's been a national nightmare ever since, although the election to replace Teddy Kennedy has provided some consolation.
We go to Sean Bielat rallies now as a form of therapy. Hopefully, that is not an inside joke!