So you link an apparently self-published article, written by a drunk driving defense attorney, that does not cite a single specific incident of even ONE individual being wrongly convicted, due to a faulty breathalyzer, as your proof that there is an epidemic of false drunk driving convictions?
There's nobody there that is going to hire an expensive lawyer and plea bargain a huge fine to get out of jail. Better to have cops sit on Stone Oak Parkway all night just praying to catch a rich one.
If enforcement of drunk driving laws had ANYTHING to do with public safety, they'd be enforced where the drunks are.
Any before you launch one of your ad hominem attacks, I've never been pulled over for DUI, much less convicted. I'm of an age that my drinking is limited to a glass of wine in my own home.
But hypocrisy and BS still comes through loud and clear!
Well I guess there is no reasoning with a nanny-stater who wants the rest of us to forfeit our rights in exchange for a little safety. I guess it’s not enough that we already have a zillion laws on the books. Nanny-staters are always wanting to pass yet more laws, as opposed to enforcing laws already on the books.