We are raising critical masses of feral youth today. Sad to say, so much of this cruelty starts with the upbringing of the children. And in too many cases, they are brought up in broken homes, ad hoc families, with no values.
I know we’re not supposed to talk about values as that is anathema to the left, but, that’s a major part of the problem right there. Kids brought up without civilizing influences and values become feral. This is a major part of the ghetto culture, which for some reason, we celebrate nowadays through rap and hip hop.
First, “feral youth” is a very apt description! It is completely what I witness among parents and children today. This theory that “the kids will work it out among themselves” is complete bunk and I cringe any time I hear a parent say that. KIDS NEED PARENTAL GUIDANCE!!!! Parents leaving their kids to work it out among themselves does nothing but breed bullies and uncivilized behavior.
Second, I witness quite a bit of catty, bullying behavior and I live in a fairly wealthy white suburb with mostly stable two-parent homes. So it’s not just a ghetto thing.