The great “unwashed public” doesn’t know who Boehner is. So the marxists think trashing DeMint may get some traction.
All this talk about Republicans being "extreme" is ludicrous when you consider what the Democrats have done in 4 years in Congress and nearly 2 in the WH.
They (general public) don’t know who DeMint is either.
However, conservatives do. Conservatives would be more inclined to use resources and divert their efforts in GOTV to protect DeMint then they would be to defend Boehner. This attack is smarter then their previous ones. Rush? Not running for office. Bush? Long gone. Cheney? Well, worth some defense but still not running for office. Palin? If she’s running it’s not for a couple more years. Glenn? Not running for office. Boehner and CcConnell don’t have the loyalty of conservatives.
DeMint is the only one in office and practically the only one throwing a wrench in the establishments plans within the Congress right now. He’s important, would require a defense and commands some loyaty in the Tea party. Still too late to demonize him for this election though. And hopefully by 2012 some of the new hires will have followed his lead so we’re not dependant on one man. I like DeMint, I just don’t want to be in a position where we rise or fall on one. The movement is strong as it is because it lacks one definitive head that if they take out will destroy it. We need the same kind of movement existing within Congress too.