I see it quite as the opposite then you. It is those that defend the confederate democrats who are really all from the same nest and are not conservative at all. We have even had multiple threads here in the past couple days were those defending the confederates were bashing conservatism and outright admitting to be libertarians.
And in my opinion the confederate democrats were not conservative as well but were libertarian or even more libertine in their ideology. They obviously had no problem being against the Constitution being that wanted to secede from it and usurp the power delegated in the Constitution to the United States. This is not much different than many radical left-wing groups who call for revolution.
Shortly after the civil war the confederate veterans formed a new political party called the People party which was overtly socialist in nature and which then was absorbed by the confederate rebel democrat party. This of course then lead us to the progressive democrats and a continued disdain for the Constitution and a continued rebel mentality. Both the confederate democrats and the progressive democrats were known to operate through terrorist means with groups such as the KKK.
Even during the Marxist counter culture of the sixties libertarians marched side by side with Marists with the rebel spirit against the United States. The libertarians also side with the Marxist on many issues such as perversion rights (or sexual liberation) and terrorists rights such as Ron Paul does very vocally.
As I said I see it as the opposite of you. It is the confederate rebel mentality that is not conservative and that seems to align itself with the progressive Marxist democrats all of the time.
bashing conservatism and outright admitting to be libertarians.
don’t include me in the group.
the America is a crime bunch or western civ is one big race crime are not my pals
but you are polite
hell i don’t hate any of you...not even non sensical...not even Lincoln though he did really push the Leviathan..in my opinion anyhow
being a many generations white guy all the way back to FFV and Pochahontas and Rolfe and whatnot I simply do not see race as the American crucible or prism of view
but many do...mostly non whites or whites in homogeneous areas where such indulgences come cheap
i will discuss candidly the state of white and black race and all in between with anyone if they care
i have lived it and know it all for what it is
it’s not encouraging nowadays
i also lived back when white racism was real, this bogeyman crap folks here pillow bite over like CSA flags and Colonel Reb is just something for angry black guys and soft whites to puff over and feel righteous...it ain’t white supremacy
But to be fair...unlike Glenn Beck and many NeoYankees here I don't find political history follows a straight path with easy to define sides
as in I actually am both a Jeffersonian Democrat and a Hamiltonian Federalist depending on subject and while on Beck...I don't find Teddy Roosevelt a bad guy but like Beck I ain't crazy about Princeton head Woodrow Wilson either.
I think fire breathers on the southern side and radicals to the left of Lincoln should have not let such a bloodletting of good American stock take place but neither side deserves what we have become now.
Much like the WWII vets as well, they don't deserve us as descendants...we are so weak as a culture...ready to not stand up for jack if it involves any minority of any sort...religion, race, ethnicity, sexual preference and so forth...just give us a sword we'll fall on it...like over Colonel Reb or Mosques as Ground Zero or manmade disasters or banning Christmas in school...all the same crap.
I oppose it all.