More like cocaine.
This junk is no more the Gospel than Catholicism.
Catholicism came from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is just another result of the Reformation. Remember Luther's any milkmaid? Long created his own church. Any different than Calvin or Zwingli?
We would have to accept that what the Western world THOUGHT was Christianity was wrong for fifteen hundred years. This would make the Apostles among history's greatest failures.
You may have a point here. When the lock on "religion" was broken by the Reformation, all kinds of excessive expressions of churchianity began to emerge. Men have a tendency to run amok with everything. Certainly Long did.
I don't catch the "milkmaid" remark, however.
And, it seems that history doesn't actually connect the Roman Catholic Church to Jesus Christ, but Rome may see it that way. Review the docs and notice the turmoil around the grappling for power among the bishoprics until Rome claimed to win. It seems this was in the 300s, not from the Apostles. Then Rome drew its "line" back to Peter and jammed the flag in the ground.
Took a while, but the flag was pulled up at a later date. And I don't recall Luther, Zwingli, or Calvin claiming that their congregations were the only (C)hurch, in contrast to Rome's death rattle. There is no central "Church" now (as there never was), but rather just the Body of Christ universal over all time to include folks all the way back to Adam, Abraham, Moses, et al, elect before the foundation of the world. And there are congregations sprinkled all over the world. Some teach this well, some teach this poorly, and then there are those that don't teach it at all: Long & Rome.