It is certainly not bold enough.
It is not in keeping with the sentiment of the original consititution.
They will “allow” a 20% tax cut to small bidnesses...? Allow? That’s our money! That’s the same mistake that Chrissy Tingles Mathews was correcting the president on...
They tell us about the 10th amendment, but they want to “replace” the plan...The only thing that can replace the plan is the unfettered free market. They need to know when they need to get out of the way.
They corrupt the quote from the Declaration...Let me reiterate to all the RINOs out there, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO ABOLISH TYRANNY IN OUR LAND, not just to elect a different, lesser set of gentler tyrants. This is our God-given natural law inheritance. It is the natural law inheritance of all peoples, and we Americans take it seriously.
We need to let them know that these words are not just fancy, pleasant sounding American words...
These words are our American God-given birthright. Period. ...Without equivocation. ...Without revision. End of story.
I, for one, am disappointed. They miss the true sentiment of the Tea Party.
We are right to purge the RINOs, and this pledge - unsigned - is proof.
We need bold colors, bold contrasts.
I want to see them pledge life, liberty, honor and personal blood. I want a pact with terms that mean something.
This pledge will simply slow our decline, not reverse it, not restore America, not restore the constitution.
And the idea that this is the incremental approach...that this is in “the realm of the possible”...Well, that arguement doesn’t fly with me.
Tell that argument to Mason, Jefferson, Washington...Tell that to the signatories of the Declaration and the Constitution and those that fought in the Revolution...Tell that to the legions of our war dead from every continent and every island and in every ocean...And ask them if they were willing to hand only a little bit of their freedom back to the tyrants...Ask them if another brand of tyrants would have been acceptable.