Rasmussen has her behind by double digits right now. You will never elect a conservative in a state where the voters demand hand outs and big government.
Obama’s approval in this particular poll is +11%.
Coons is up +11%
The PPP poll that came out Monday had Obama at -2%.
At this point, Christine is holding on to the Obama disapproval vote. Coons is holding on to the Obama approval vote.
Most of the things that Obama wants or has done (Obamacare, etc) are unpopular.
Christine can use TV ads to tie Obama and Coons to the terrible policies that the people hate. That’ll drive down Obama a bit and Coons a bit.
But, if Obama all a sudden gets numbers like 60% favorable, Christine will have a much tougher race. I don’t think Obama is going to get 60% favorable in DE.