However, what I found funny was this:
McIlvain responded: "If I was subpoenaed, I would. ... I'm not going to lie. ... I was in that room.
Coupled with this: In a 2005 Texas civil case deposition, McIlvain denied ever hearing Armstrong make an admission of using performance-enhancing drugs or doping.
Since the tape was made in 2004, and the deposition was made in 2005, either McIlvain lied to Lemond, or she lied to Lemond, on that tape. Because she said both that she heard Armstrong, and that she would not LIE if she was called to testify.
But the next year when called to testify, she said she didn't hear him. So either "I heard Armstrong" was a lie, or "I won't lie" was a lie.
On the other hand, maybe Armstrong DID talk about performance-enhancing drugs. There are drugs that enhance your performance but that were not illegal in 1996; Also, he might have been ASKED about them, and talked about how different ones could effect his cancer-treatment, without saying he actually USED them.
Or, maybe he had actually USED them at some point before his cancer treatment, in which case his insistance that he NEVER used them would be a lie, but would hardly make a difference unless he used them after his cancer treatment.
I remember some controversey in the late 90’s about some drugs he used during his legitimate cancer tx that would be considered performance enhancing today if used in that context. I think this is old info that is being newly spun out of context.
Maybe, maybe not. From the article:
"According to LeMond's wife Kathy, the tape was made in July 2004."