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Facing ‘Obligations’ From Leadership, Democrat Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail for Lobbyist Cash
| 9/15/2010
| Capitol Confidential
Posted on 09/15/2010 8:33:09 PM PDT by ReagansRaiders
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To: swheats
Eleanor will have a time of soul searching.
Unlikely. Like most 'Rats, one cannot search for what was never there in the first place.
posted on
09/16/2010 2:34:34 AM PDT
(0bama is a traitor. And he squats to pee too.)
To: Enchante
"Im handling the largest economic development project in the United States now, the Homeland Security Compound of three buildings being built on the uh, old St. Elizabeths hospital site in the District of Columbia"
Nobody sees the irony of a Homeland Security Compound on the grounds of a former insane asylum.
Looks like the inmates are still in charge.
posted on
09/16/2010 2:36:55 AM PDT
(0bama is a traitor. And he squats to pee too.)
To: gipper81
She’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer! Thank you Mr. Breitbart for exposing the thug tactics of members of Congress to eke funds out of constituents. If we can call a lobbyist a constituent. I find myself not sympathizing at all with the lobbyist, by the way.
To: tcrlaf
Just ask anyone in the News Rooms at MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, or CNN about this!!Or the media spokesperson for the CBC. While he/she is defending Rangel maybe Norton will come up.
posted on
09/16/2010 3:09:44 AM PDT
(Eschew obfuscation)
To: gipper81
She is the "shadow" delegate to the House of Representatives from Washington, D.C. She has no vote.
She is also one of the worst slave masters on the D.C. plantation. She came out against vouchers for school children and helped cancel the program.
D.C. consistently polls at the bottom of school districts nation wide even though the per capita expense for kids is over$9,000 per year.
posted on
09/16/2010 3:10:32 AM PDT
Jimmy Valentine
(DemocRATS - when they speak, they lie; when they are silent, they are stealing the American Dream)
To: ReagansRaiders
posted on
09/16/2010 4:01:02 AM PDT
The Wizard
(Madam President is my President now and in the future)
To: gipper81
The Dem leadership in this country is an embarrassment.
posted on
09/16/2010 4:56:53 AM PDT
(There is a group of people who suck off the productive. They make rules then find infractions.)
To: purplelobster
According to the article, it is a misdemenor.
Personally I think that this is another way to betray the country and its people and I think of it as a capital offense.
posted on
09/16/2010 4:58:20 AM PDT
(There is a group of people who suck off the productive. They make rules then find infractions.)
To: DemforBush
I find it especially amusing that Norton is trolling for bucks when she is not even a full voting member of the House.
Why isnt she a full voting memeber?
posted on
09/16/2010 4:59:41 AM PDT
(There is a group of people who suck off the productive. They make rules then find infractions.)
To: DemforBush
I just realized she is a DC rep
posted on
09/16/2010 5:00:58 AM PDT
(There is a group of people who suck off the productive. They make rules then find infractions.)
To: ReagansRaiders
Thank you Andrew Breitbart. Keep exposing these RATS.
posted on
09/16/2010 5:07:26 AM PDT
("Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." (Ps 20:7))
To: ReagansRaiders
Relax folks. Just an oversight on the honorable Congresswoman's part.
She just misspoke
She didn't know that a voice mail would actually record her words.
A friend came in from out of town.
She a had a flat tire.
posted on
09/16/2010 5:25:10 AM PDT
(Gus the Scotty dog likes cheese!)
To: truthandlife
If the contractor was willing to release this tape I just wonder...
Some good voicemail systems log the phone number of the incoming call, if it could be determined this call was made from her office then that could cost her her job no matter what color she is.
posted on
09/16/2010 5:25:29 AM PDT
(Proudly posting without reading the article carefully since 2004)
To: txhurl
the Homeland Security Compound of three buildings being built on the uh, old St. Elizabeths hospital site An excellent choice for where the nuts are to run the asylum.
To: truthandlife
If Breitbart has a copy of the message, it will soon be on Fox. In any case, a copy should be delivered to the FBI, even though we all know that it would be a waste of time.
posted on
09/16/2010 5:33:40 AM PDT
To: ReagansRaiders
posted on
09/16/2010 5:46:16 AM PDT
an amused spectator
(Islamic law upholds that children born to a Muslim father are automatically Muslim)
To: txhurl
Homeland Security Compound? Yeah - kind of like Lubyanka Square or Prinz-Albrecht-Straße.
posted on
09/16/2010 5:55:28 AM PDT
an amused spectator
(Islamic law upholds that children born to a Muslim father are automatically Muslim)
To: ReagansRaiders
If this happened in Maryland, I can see the lobbyist getting prosecuted for illegal wiretapping - like Linda Tripp.
posted on
09/16/2010 5:58:13 AM PDT
an amused spectator
(Islamic law upholds that children born to a Muslim father are automatically Muslim)
To: Personal Responsibility
I am not a lawyer. I dont even play one on TV but Im reasonably certain thats some level of crime. "Crimes" are for the little people. As I pointed out to someone else, the lobbyist is going to be lucky if he/she doesn't end up in jail...
posted on
09/16/2010 6:01:33 AM PDT
an amused spectator
(Islamic law upholds that children born to a Muslim father are automatically Muslim)
To: ReagansRaiders
posted on
09/16/2010 6:03:40 AM PDT
(Ignorant Obama Voters: Happy Now?)
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