I agree FedEx service is better than Brown’s. I have received my share of broken and re-sealed boxes from them. While a shipment via FedEx arrives in perfect condition. Problem is, most times orders from suppliers on the internet are shipped by Brown. You don’t have a say in the matter. And you pay through the nose. I had ordered an item weighing one-fifth of a pound from a supplier in New York State. The shipping charge was $8.95 UPS Ground and took a full week to arrive. The same item could have been placed in the U.S. mail, first class, in a small envelope for around a dollar, and would have reached me in three days. When I called the supplier to complain, they told me they were not set up to mail items at the post office and that everything they shipped was handled by contract through Brown.
The shipping charge was $8.95 UPS Ground
sorry but the shipping and handling charges are added by the shipper......never mind what UPS charged them, you pay the inflated S&H charges and THEY keep the money. If they offer you a buy one, get one free offer, guess what, they charge S&H on the free item too.....could have put them both in the same envelope, but then they’d have lost the $9.95 in shipping charges....don’t blame Brown for this rip off