Thanks for posting this article. EVERYONE: Read the whole thing; it is worth the time!
It truly underscores that 0bama is about 0bama. America, our well-being, our progress, the principles of our founding fathers, etc. etc. are the targets. And I mean active TARGETS. He wants to destroy our country, our economy and all of us who are not on the government dole. He wants to control all of the economy and through that control, all of us and is populating the Federal Government bureaucracy with people like himself to make that happen.
The author’s perspective of “colonialism” is an eye-opener. I am a well educated, well-read lawyer, and this viewpoint has NEVER occurred to me. And, it surely does explain an awful lot of the 0bama mystery. It also begs the question of how the information we all have access to is filtered by the MSM, educators, etc. ...hence the very election of this disaster was based on a painted, fake person. NO, 0bama is the biggest threat we’ve ever faced as a nation.
Wake up, people!!! Rush Limbaugh is right-—this is about our very survival as a nation and free, independent people!!!
I've been saying for two full years now that The Won wants to turn this country into a third-world socialist dung-heap, but D'Souza does an excellent job of filling in the details of "why" he wants to do it and "how" he intends to.
I like Dineshs’ work, but this is by far one of his best ever.
We must more than wake up .. we must admit some tinfoilers (Birchers f'rinstance) WEREN'T nuts, but right on.
The truly hard part will be the inevitable conclusive action we must admit to taking.
Good to see you are appreciating the seriousness of his intentions and malice.