I am beginning to think this event is an alarm bell for the sleeping giant called America.
I see a ton of news about this church, a lot of it is controversial to say the least, I cannot say if its truly patriotism on his part to to this event or an act of insanity.
Regardless of who is starting this it has truly flushed the enemy out, it has many people too scared to make a courageous patriotic stand against Islam. And for every person that is trying to appease Islam into not lopping their heads off a thousand more will go have a Koran bonfire, I am fully aware this is an unneccesary and prvacative act but I have had enough.
I am tired of having a President surrender to Islam on a daily basis, so when I burn my little Koran in the privacy of my burn barrel I will say Obama caused me to do this.
This also will flush the weak willed among us out. THAT is why many Americans do not want this to happen, because NOW they have to take a stand.
The real question is -
Acts 5:34-41