Is it just me or is the dramatic swing in these polls a little troubling? From -13 to -21? A few weeks ago it was -20 then swung way over to -13 then now to -21!
I think Ill wait till its a little more stable.
No the lows are lower, and the highs are lower.
He tries to control the swings with his phony rhetoric and photo ops..
Watch for Oprah and Dave Letterman in the coming weeks...along with some other of his BS.
Not remotely qualified for the job....
“Is it just me or is the dramatic swing in these polls a little troubling?”
The margin of error in these polls is very large. Each day’s numbers don’t mean too much. The general trend means more.
Also, this poll is rather silly. We have no idea why those polled approve or disapprove of Obama. Much of the disapproval may come from lefties who want an even faster conversion to Marxism. Also, we have no idea how many people say they approve of Obama simply because they do not want to say something that may be taken as racist.
A much better approach would be to compare Obama to several potential GOP nominees and ask who is preferred for 2012.
It’s you! You need to understand what a rolling average is and how the data sets can differ.