Willie the difference between you and me is that I dont need to go to the Houston Chronicle, Ive laid pipeline in that field (although its been a few years). Its not 2,500 deep. That is a fixed platform, probably no more than 5-600 deep.
If the Chronicle is wrong, then they're wrong.
The difference is: sooner or later, they'll probably publish a corrected revision of this story.
So in the overall scheme of things, they still have more reliability than some anonymous screen name who claims to have personal experience in an Internet chat forum.
From my profile page, it’s not at all hard to ascertain my real name.
A Google search of that name would reveal my employer.
I’m quite up-front about myself online.
Also, I’m staring at Lexco/OWL, data for which comes directly from the BOEMRE (MMS), and I am inclined to trust that given that it’s WHAT THE WHOLE DAMN INDUSTRY USES EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY.
Will you accept RigZone.com as a reliable source for data and information concerining drilling rigs?
An explosion occurred this morning at a fixed platform operated by Mariner Energy in Vermilion Block 380, located approximately 80 miles offshore the central Louisiana coast...
Vermilion Block 380 is located in 340 feet of water and produces both oil and gas.
Platform Explodes Offshore Louisiana