08/31/2010 04:56:01 PM Registered Voters 487456 - Cards Cast 153933 31.58%
Miller, Joe REP 52360 50.71%
Murkowski, Lisa REP 50891 49.29%
Fat Lady singing now?
Time for Murk to concede?
08/31/2010 04:56:01 PM Registered Voters 487456 - Cards
Cast 153933 31.58%
Miller, Joe REP 52360 50.71%
Murkowski, Lisa REP 50891 49.29%
That is a 1469 vote lead for Miller. Considering that Miller's lead shrank to about 1294 votes at one point, this sounds like very good news...
More than 10K Republican ballots counted today and Lisa has picked-up less than 200. Someone cue the fat lady.
Oh yeah...